People are usually more than willing to give you advice about how to survive your time at college. However, times are always changing, and there were a few things I wish people had though to warn me about.
1. When you sell your textbooks back to the university bookstore at the end of the quarter...
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Yeah... That pretty much sums it up. |
2. When it comes to signing up for classes every's kind of like a mini-Hunger Games. It's every student for themselves! You start off at the bottom of the food chain. The students with the least amount of credits get to sign up for classes last, so you'll probably end up wait-listing a lot of them. I'm not sure if it gets better or worse later on. Once you start getting into the classes for your major there are less students competing for the same classes. However, the class sizes are also smaller... :/
3. Early morning classes suck, even if you got up early for High School for the last 4 years.
4. Universities have this annoying habit of letting in tours and groups of elementary kids which end up clogging the walkways and cafeteria at the least opportune time. Don't get me wrong! I know the reasoning behind it and I think it's a great idea to have the little kids see what college life is like. I remember going on one of those field trips myself in fourth grade. But there comes a point where it's like:
I suppose if I didn't live on campus it wouldn't be that much of a pain. But I do. And some days it's like living in the white house where everyone is taking photo tours through your living room.
5. Before you buy your textbooks for the class make sure you take a few precautions. Because it's very likely that you may run into this problem:
I've had this happen in almost half of my classes. So do your homework! 1) Email the teacher and ask them straight out how much you'll be using the textbook. It's possible that they'll tell you that you don't even need it and that the university just hasn't taken it off the required textbook list for the class yet. 2) If the teacher says you either "definitely" need the book or you "might" need the book, ask previous students. A good way to do this are college Facebook pages. There are lots of them. From pages for your graduating class, your major, for the bookstore, for trading/selling textbooks, and many more. 3) See if anyone you know is taking the class too. There is a possibility of sharing a textbook and spitting the cost. 4) Try and get it secondhand straight from another student instead of going to the bookstore. Another cheap place to get textbooks is the Half Priced Books website. That's where I get 90% of my books. 5) If you're still not sure, you might want to take a risk and wait until a few days into the class to decide. Then you can decide for yourself if you want to spend the money.
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