"Don't judge." We hear it all around us every day. I had a friend for years who used it as an excuse for everything. But I say that discriminating for unjust reasons is far from using morals to determine the right course. Because there IS a right and wrong, people! No matter how much our modern philosophers might try to tell us differently. In more educated terms, there are absolute truths. There is no way around it. If a person jumps off a cliff, no matter how much they may sincerely believe that they had wings, they will still fall to their death without some sort of equipment. Gravity is an absolute truth.
So when I choose to do or not do something that offends some one else because it indicates that I believe they are wrong in some way, I'm not hating them. I am hating the sin. I am choosing to do something different from them because there are many morals and values that cannot be bent to fit every and any lifestyle. Some things are wrong no matter how much you try to twist, hide, or excuse them.

This in no way makes me a hater. Just because I don't agree with everyone on everything doesn't mean that I can't love them as fellow children of God. Christians, don't get discouraged by this kind of negative feedback. You cannot force people to change their minds. But you CAN live a life pleasing to God that shows people that you are not a hypocrite and that this way of thinking is not hurtful like they claim it to be.
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