Monday, December 9, 2013

The Scariest "F" Word


 Here are a few final exam related gifs and pictures because I feel like procrastinating on my studying for a half hour or so.  ;D  Enjoy!
1.  When you just REALLY don't want to study...
2.  Praying for a good curve from your professors...
3.  Don't forget all of that valuable last minute cramming...
4.  This is what we were all thinking about one of my professors who changed the final from non-cumulative to cumulative on the last day of class...
5.  When you've been studying for hours and just really need a hug...
6.  Neglecting physical appearance because, let's be honest...who has time for that on finals week?
7.  Fearing the consequences of failing a final...

8.  Remembering the correct answer to a question the minute you leave the classroom after the final...

9.  When you've simply had enough...

10.  When you look at the clock and suddenly realize it's 2:30 in the morning and you have an 8 am final...

11.  When people try to mooch off of your studying snacks and you're like, "MINE!"

12.  When you get to a question that you have no idea how to answer...


13.  Trying to be modest about acing a final by saying, "It was just luck,"...

14.  Passing out from FRE (Finals Related Exhaustion)...

15.  Not wanting to get out of bed for an early final...

16.  Just when you thought it was all over...your grades are posted.  Ouch...

17.  Celebratory dancing when the last final is completed...



18.  Once finals are done, you don't care if the world's ending, you just want to sit around and do nothing...

19.  When you're upset because you got a 98% and you know that the only reason you lost that 2% was a simple spelling error and people can't understand why you're upset...

20.  I'll leave you with this awesome rewritten Lord of the Rings quote (sorry if it's a little hard to read)... 



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